Tag: Property Taxes

Posted on 01/19/2025
Tax abatement: What homebuyers should know
Property tax abatement programs can be helpful to...
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Posted on 01/29/2023
Basic guide to property tax deferment
In some states, qualified homeowners can use a property...
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Posted on 12/25/2022
Tax rolls & real estate
A tax roll, sometimes called an assessment roll, is a record of all the properties subject to taxes in a given area. These lists include detailed information about properties and associated taxes, including land and vehicles in some states. To better understand the relationship between tax rolls and real estate, here's the basic info to know: What information...
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Posted on 11/06/2022
Tax term basics: Millage rate and more
Millage rates are just one of the many specialized tax terms property owners are likely to encounter. While it's often used interchangeably to mean "tax rate," millage rates have some key differences. Here is a guide to understanding millage rates and a few other important pieces of property tax terminology: Millage rates Millage rate has nothing to do...
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Posted on 07/31/2022
How to determine ad valorem tax
Latin for "according to value," the term "ad valorem" is common in tax conversations. An ad valorem tax is flexible and dependent on the value of the specific asset, product or service. If you're a property owner, you're paying an ad valorem tax on your property taxes. To better understand how this term is used, here is a...
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