Tips for Paying Off a Mortgage Quickly

by Marianna E Perez 04/05/2020

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

One of the critical steps involved in looking for a home is the process of negotiating for a mortgage. Many people dread this process because they find out exactly how much money they are going to have to pay each month. At the same time, this is also an opportunity for people to negotiate for more favorable terms. Think about options such as waiving origination fees, reducing points, and asking for a lower interest rate. In the end, most are locked into a mortgage that will last from 15 to 30 years. As the months start to roll by, losing a large chunk of that paycheck will start to get old. Fortunately, there are ways to pay off a mortgage more quickly.

Pay More Each Month

The first option is to pay more than the minimum loan payment each month (or increase the frequency of the payments). Increasing the amount of each payment will ensure that extra dollars are being applied directly to the principal. This will reduce the amount of interest paid over the life of the loan, therefore, allowing for a quicker pay off. 

Refinance the Mortgage

Another option to consider is to refinance the loan with a different lender with more favorable terms. This could all you to secure a pay off date that isn't so far into the future. This is a great idea if interest rates have dropped since the mortgage was first installed. Refinancing at a lower interest rate can help you pay off your mortgage faster but it will likely impact your monthly payments.

Split the Payment in Half

Finally, here is a creative approach that may work for you especially if you collect a paycheck every two weeks. Split your monthly mortgage payment in half. Send payment for that amount to your loan provider every two weeks. This approach allows you to submit one extra monthly mortgage payment each year. This added payment goes directly toward the principal and can cut years off of the life of your loan. Check with your lender they may have options like this that you can enroll in right from origination.

About the Author

Marianna E Perez

Marianna E. Perez is a Real Estate professional with over 20 years of experience. A lifelong resident of South Florida, she keeps her finger on the pulse of the latest trends and movements in the real estate market. She offers clients top-notch guidance from start to finish, ensuring the entire process is seamless, efficient and rewarding. Prior to entering real estate, Marianna was Senior Vice President of Commercial Real Estate Banking at City National Bank of Florida. She provided strategic leadership facilitating profitable and efficient origination of real estate loans. Marianna was a trusted advisor to clients and to the bank growing a real estate portfolio to over $300 million. She is firmly committed to the philosophy “not quantity, but quality,” which she practices in both her personal and professional life. Marianna is a graduate of FIU where she earned a bachelor’s degree in business management. She is a member of the Miami Association of Realtors, a lifetime board member of the BASF (Builders Association of South Florida), a member of CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women), and ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers). She is also involved with the Women’s Leadership Council (United Way TNC). In addition, Marianna has received these special industry accolades: Housing Hall of Fame inductee 2017 Builders Association of South Florida, Associate of the Year 2017 Builders Association of South Florida, Florida’s Best Awards Chair 2016 and 2004 Builders Association of South Florida, Vice President 2008 Builders Association of South Florida, President’s Award 2008 and 2003