How to Grow Pentas Plants

by Marianna E Perez 02/23/2025

Pentas plants are a favorite among butterflies and other pollinators. Their clusters of tiny, star-shaped flowers come in multiple colors and can grow anywhere as an annual. As well as supporting pollinators, pentas are completely pet-safe, making them an excellent choice for any pet owner's garden. Here are some of the basic care tips for growing pentas in your garden:

Light Requirements

Bountiful and healthy pentas blooms depend on getting the perfect amount of sunlight. For the best flowers, plant pentas somewhere they'll get at least three hours of direct sun. They can tolerate some shade during the morning or afternoon, but will get stretched out and leggy in between blooms without enough direct light.

Water Needs

Pentas require regular watering, making them a good fit for any garden with an irrigation system already built. Otherwise, keep the soil moist at all times so they don't dry out completely. While your pentas plant can survive drier conditions, parched plants are very susceptible to pests like spider mites. You should also avoid watering over the top of the plant, as brown spots can develop on the leaves from mineral deposits.

Temperature & Humidity

Pentas are tropical plants and love warm temperatures with high humidity. If you live in a drier region, you may need to mist your plant regularly to maintain adequate moisture levels. Pentas will not tolerate the cold, but can overwinter in pots if you bring them indoors. Make sure to bring them indoors before the first frost or take healthy cuttings to propagate again in the spring.


Pentas are shrubs and will maintain a shallow, bushy growth pattern as long as they get enough light. However, as the plants mature, they may begin to stretch out and get leggy. Pruning isn't necessary if you're only growing them as an annual for a single season, but if you want them to come back in the spring, trim down the stems low to the ground to encourage healthy new growth.

About the Author

Marianna E Perez

Marianna E. Perez is a Real Estate professional with over 20 years of experience. A lifelong resident of South Florida, she keeps her finger on the pulse of the latest trends and movements in the real estate market. She offers clients top-notch guidance from start to finish, ensuring the entire process is seamless, efficient and rewarding. Prior to entering real estate, Marianna was Senior Vice President of Commercial Real Estate Banking at City National Bank of Florida. She provided strategic leadership facilitating profitable and efficient origination of real estate loans. Marianna was a trusted advisor to clients and to the bank growing a real estate portfolio to over $300 million. She is firmly committed to the philosophy “not quantity, but quality,” which she practices in both her personal and professional life. Marianna is a graduate of FIU where she earned a bachelor’s degree in business management. She is a member of the Miami Association of Realtors, a lifetime board member of the BASF (Builders Association of South Florida), a member of CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women), and ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers). She is also involved with the Women’s Leadership Council (United Way TNC). In addition, Marianna has received these special industry accolades: Housing Hall of Fame inductee 2017 Builders Association of South Florida, Associate of the Year 2017 Builders Association of South Florida, Florida’s Best Awards Chair 2016 and 2004 Builders Association of South Florida, Vice President 2008 Builders Association of South Florida, President’s Award 2008 and 2003